12 months to celebrate: International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development

Jan 27, 2019


The official launch of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development took place at the International Tourism Fair (FITUR) held in Madrid from 18 to 22 January 2017.
The main objective for 2017 is to promote the tourism sector’s contribution to building a better world.

Declared by the General Assembly of the United Nations, it maintains the position of recalling the tourism potential to continue to build on the universal agenda 2030 for sustainable development and the 17 sustainable development objectives.

There is a marked emphasis on changing policies, business practices and consumer behavior towards a more sustainable tourism sector than can effectively contribute to sustainable development goals.
A timely opportunity to analyze how tourism is affected by climate change, to make progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the sector and to increase adaptation efforts in the face of the inevitable impacts that are already being caused by global warming. As well, social and economic impact of the sector and the natural and cultural assets preservation.

Taleb Rifai, General Secretary of the World Tourism Organization, shares the vision of building a more responsible and committed tourism sector that can capitalize its potential in terms of economic prosperity, social inclusion, peace and understanding, cultural and environmental preservation.

It will be promoted the tourism rol, in 5 key areas:
1. Inclusive and sustainable economic growth
2. Social inclusion, employment and poverty reduction
3. Resources efficiency , environmental protection and climate change
4. Cultural values, diversity and heritage
5. Mutual understanding, peace and security

Throughout the year an information campaign will be under the motto : ” Travel Enjoy Respect”.

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