The IX International Congress of Religious Tourism and Sustainability and V Argentine Meeting of Religious Tourism will be held in Junin de Los Andes in Argentina, the days 18,19,20 and 21 of October 2012.
Its main goal is to develop and identify the values of Tourism of Faith as a dynamic sustainable development of the local community and its importance in strengthening the supply of the destination.
The event will feature lectures and talks by professors and experts in the area of tourism, both domestic and international. Its list of speakers include Prof. Antonio de Bernadin, licensees Vanzini Marcos and Alejandro Gutierrez and Mr. Rodrigo Sugg Perry, Fray Francisco Foundation Valdés in Chile.
This conference will focus around 3 main subjects “popular religion, tourism development and its influence on the local community“, “religious tourism as a cultural factor” and “religious tourism marketing“, among other important topics.
As a supplement to the agenda, there will be visits and trips to parks, churches and destinations as:
Lake Huechulafquen
Puerto Canoas
Bay Cañicul
Here is the event schedule.
Thursday, October 18
09.00 am. Accreditation and start “Meeting of Friendship and Business”
Welcome to “Songs of the Earth”. Olga Huenaihuen
10.00 am. Conceptualizing religious tourism: Ms. Claudia Boente, Ministry of Tourism. (Argetina)
10.30 am. “Jesuit Stays and Heritage. New Business Opportunity“, Prof. Gustavo Loza, Cordoba Tourism Agency.
11.00 am. Coffee Break
11.30 am. Popular religion, tourism development and its influence on the community. “Meeting point to illuminate the future,” Prof. Antonio De Bernardin, Teacher Training Institute Junín de los Andes. (Argentina)
12.00 pm. “Beata Laura Vicuña” Hmna. Elda Scalco, Laura Vicuña Foundation. (Chile)
12.30 pm. Break. Lunch.
15.00 pm. “The Magic of the French Way. Santiago de Compostela ” Mr. Fabian Juncos, National University of Comahue.
15.30 pm. “Via Christi Sculpture Park” architect Alejandro Santana
16.00 pm. “The Gaucho Priest” Prof. Alberto Guzman, Tourism Management Brochero.
16.30 pm. Religious tourism as a factor of cultural integration. Pe. Carlos Chiquim, Assintec – Interfaith Education Association, Brazil, Mr. Marcos Vanzini, Directorate General for Religious Affairs, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
17.30 pm. Coffee Break
18.00 pm. “Ruta del Padre Pancho” Mr. Rodrigo Sugg Perry, Fray Francisco Foundation Valdes (Chile).
18.30 pm. “Ceferino, drive way” Prof. Antonio Mateo, Salesians in Patagonia
19.00 pm. “Rotas da Fe” Mr. Ruben Moyano, Ministry of Tourism of Brazil.
19.30 pm. Sanctuary “Our Lady of the Snows and Laura Vicuña”. Receiving “Cavalcade Brocheriana” with accompanying riders and gauchos of Patagonia. Inaugural Ceremony. Presentation of Maestro Juan Carlos Iraola and Folk Instruments Orchestra of the Music School of Junín de los Andes.
Friday October 19
09.30 am. Visit to Via Christi
13.00 pm. Break. Lunch
15.00 pm. “Worldview and religiosity of the Mapuche people.” Viviana Colipán
15.30 pm. Marketing of religious tourism. “Institutional Vision-entrepreneur.”
Mr. Ricardo Sangla, Argentina Tourism Commission of the Faith, and Alejandro Gutierrez, Argie (Buenos Aires, Argentina).
16.30 pm. “The Upper Valley market for Religious Tourism Product” Pintos Analía, Paula Calderon, Andrea Gutauskas, Mezzalira Maximiliano Nicolas Zanfardini Pulitas and Marina. Students of the course “Market Research”, School of Tourism, National University of Comahue, Neuquén.
17.00 pm. Coffee Break
17.30 pm. Fray Manuel Martinez, National Commission Ministry of Tourism (San Juan).
18.00 pm. “Enhancement of the North Chapels Neuquino” Marisa Lepin y Elisa Gallego, Undersecretary of Tourism of Neuquén Province.
18.30 pm. Special presentation. Display Panel.
Saturday October 20
08.00 am. Excursion to Lake Huechulafquen.
09.30 am. Visit Paimún Church.
10.30 am. Puerto Canoas. Lake navigation.
11.30 am. Cañicul Bay. Refreshments.
12.30 pm. Return to Junin de los Andes.
15.30 pm. “Virgin of the 33 Orientales. His influence in the community economic “Gervasio Martinez, Department of Tourism Municipality of Florida, Uruguay.
16.00 pm. “How to sell a destination theme? “Jesus” Chucho “Marin Aviamex Tours in Mexico, Victor Pizarro, Berry Whale; and Paul Rajsfus Uri, from Vie Tur, Argentina.
17.30 pm. Coffee Break
18.30 pm. Presentation X International Congress. Soraya Moreno, Coordinator of Religious Tourism of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
19.00 pm. Conclusion reading. Delivery of certificates.
Sunday October 21
09.00 am. Visit Cultrum – Ceferino Namuncurá Sanctuary – San Ignacio Spot
12.00 pm. Return to Junin de los Andes. Closing the event. Farewell.
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