Pinterest launches travel planning tools

Dec 2, 2013


Pinterest recently released a new set of pins dedicated to the travel industry. This new addition is known as Place Pins.
The social network currently has over 660 million pins in the travel category, being the most sought after site when it comes to drawing inspiration for travel ideas.
Place Pins allow users to group all destination pins, allowing them to find and share travel experiences through the visual exchange of images and descriptions.

Through this solution, Pinterest intends to provide inspiration to its users by encouraging them to plan out their trips.

In collaboration with National Geographic Travel and Lonely Planet, Pinterest aims to provide its users inspiration when it comes to planning their next vacation.

The travel category is amongst the most used, followed by gastronomy and fashion.

Pinterest also announced the launch of Place Boards, a tool designed to complement the new travel board with the inclusion of a mapping system that allows users to pinpoint geographically the exact location of the pins.

The goal is to turn the boards into a trip planner, giving the user the ability of pinning places and make recommendations while emphasizing the most voted places.
These maps were developed with the technology being used for Foursquare, Stamen and MapBox, thus achieving a more attractive visualization.

Actualmente, la herramienta sólo está disponible para terminales iPhone con el sistema operativo iOS 3.2.
Desde ya los destinos y marcas turísticas deben de hacer los esfuerzos necesarios para aparecer en la herramienta y captar la atención de los miles de usuarios que utilizan a diario a Pinterest.

Currently, this technology is only available for iPhones using iOS 3.2.
Tourist brands and destinations must take this useful tool into account when developing marketing strategies to be able to reach the thousands of users who use Pinterest on a daily basis.



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