ZMOT: zero moment of truth

Mar 7, 2013


As soon as one turns on an Internet-enabled device (smartphones, computers, tablets, etc.) and initiate a search for a product or service, the Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT)  is set in motion.
It is at this time where companies must first begin promoting their products and attempting to influence a consumer’s consumption habits. This process takes places across many search engines:, such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, YouTube, etc.
It usually is where buyers make a first impression of a specific product or service prior to committing towards making a purchase.

The goal for business is to be present at this crucial moment and influence  the decision-making and provide the required information. ZMOT determines  brand presence, directs consumers as to where the product or service is available and allows them to share their purchase experience on the social web.
The Internet plays an important role in ZMOT since consumers know more about the product or service thanks to the limitless information that they receive navigating, exploring and researching.
Managing the zero moment of truth can be the best tool to face the challenges of the digital era in marketing.

Buying cycles have changed, and so has the point in which a customer first is swayed towards making a purchase. Furthermore, with the ubiquity of mobile devices, consumers are more approachable.

Being absent in the zero moment of truth implies a risk in losing market participation.

ZMOT  works in all industries, given the fact that people can interact online to share their experiences of purchase of any product you can get in a store or their most recent vacation.

Did you know that 90% of users in Latin America search for information on the Internet during the planning of their trips and before making a reservation and purchasing tickets?
49% of Argentinians, 50% of Mexicans, 26% of Colombians, 25% of  Chileans and 40% of Peruvians first initiated a web search prior to purchasing airline tickets or making hotel reservations, according to a study conducted by Netpop Research.

ZMOT constitutes part of Google’s Sales Department’s DNA. The book “ZMOT : Winning the Zero Moment of Truth”, written by Jim Lecinski, Google’s General Manager in the United States, with more than 20 years of experience in integrated marketing communications, presents the results of a study revealing the sources that influence the purchase decisions of 5,000 consumers.
The book states that 70% of Americans read user reviews before making a purchase, and 79% of consumers use a smartphone to make  purchase decisions.

This book will introduce tools for analysis with incorporated standard features that will show you if you are successfully answering the questions on your website.
Determine the zero moment of truth for your product, category or brand.

You will be able to discover what motivates buyers to go from an undecided purchase to a deliberate one.
Are you creating and sharing compelling content?

If your business is local, are you integrating products like FourSquare and Google Places that can help your customers help share a positive experience?

Vídeo: What´s ZMOT?

Download the book in digital format at no cost, and keep reading and learning about ZMOT.
You can also find videos of leaders talking about the Zero Moment, get to know success stories and other related content:

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