Third Annual Salta Province Tourism Congress 2013

Dec 6, 2013


Argentina’s largest community level tourism event, Encuentro Federal de Municipios Turísticos, will be held November 18 -19 in the city of Salta. The trade event, sponsored by Red Federal de Turismo de Argentina. This trade event is directed toward provincial and municipal level Tourism Directors, NGO representatives, academics and students, representatives of the tourism and hotel industry, and those with a vested interest in the tourism development of the most important tourist destinations throughout Argentina.

This year the meeting will be held in the city of Salta, selected for being one of the municipalities that receives the largest number of tourists who visit Argentina every year.
A metropolis  that has grown considerably in recent years given its positioning as a tourist destination par excellence thanks to the implementation of an effective campaign to promote it, the backing of governmental authorities and a boost from the private sector.

An annual event that intends to enable a channel for the presentation and debate to reflect upon the experience of varying destinations in tourism management in order to promote shared learning and the distribution of knowledge.

This gathering has three specific objectives:

  • Participants acquire technical skills needed to develop effective promotion, publicity and digital communications strategies with a global reach
  • Make public the benefits of creating partnerships in order to achieve more robust destination management strategies
  • Incentivize the implementation of criteria for the long-term sustainability of municipal tourism resources

On the first day of the event, the following topics will be discussed:

  • Red Federal de Turismo and its track record
  • Digital communications and its penetration in social media and web applications
  • Management at the local level of an emergent destination under the precepts of sustainable tourism
  • The destination’s sustainability index
  • Presentation of a platform for the exchange of ordinances among tourist destinations
  • Follow up on touristic activities throughout the municipalities
  • Management tools for tourist destinations
  • Comprehensive management of solid urban waste

The following topics will be discussed during the second day:

  • Financing for the tourism sector
  • Selection process and impact on the locality  by the declaration of the Iguazu Falls as one of the world’s natural wonder
  • Integration of municipalities and communes to strengthen the region

Besides the two day program above, spaces will be provided to foster the debate and exchange of ideas and points of views.

Among the exhibitors, entrepreneurs and industry leaders, such as Analia Bauselo, representing Instituto Argentino de Normalización y Certificació; Fernando Garcia Soria, Argentina’s Secretary of Tourism; Victor Pizarro, CEO of  Berry Whale; and, Pablo Sgubini, specialist in tourism sustainability indicators and organizer of this event, among others.

If you are in Argentina, don’t miss this interesting event that has excellent agenda, with in-depth discussions of what is happening in the region.

For more information visit their website: and visit their Facebook page: Federal Tourism Network


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